AM263x software
STEP 1 : Core selection
MCU cores are classified with 4 types in terms of easyDSP.
Yellow core : core that easyDSP pod is connected to and easyDSP communicates with
Orange core : core that easyDSP pod is not connected to but easyDSP communicates with
Blue core : core that easyDSP doesn't communicate with
Gray core : core that doesn't run![]()
AM263x has max 4 cores. Please choose core type either yellow or orange core based on your application. Any core of AM263x could be yellow or orange core.
Since blue and gray core has no operation with easyDSP, no easyDSP related setting is required for them.
Together with data cache usage, several cases are available as below.Case 1 :
It is the case that easyDSP monitors multi cores (core a and b) and at least one of them uses data cache and IPC RPMessage is usable for core to core communication.
easyDSP pod is connected to core a via UART0, the variable of core a is accessed by core a.
To avoid cache coherence issue, the variable (actually its memory location) of core b is accessed by core b via core to core communication by IPC RPMessage. Please refer to the arrow for data flow between easyDSP and cores.
Case 2 :
In the case 1 but IPC RPMessage is not usable, easyDSP pod should be connected to each core.
Case 3 :
It is the case that easyDSP monitors multi cores and data cache is disabled in these cores.
All the variables (and their memory location) are accessed by the core easyDSP pod is connected to.
Case 4 :
It is the case that easyDSP monitors single core. In this case, we don't care whether the data cache is enabled or not.
STEP 2 : SysConfig setting
easyDSP uses the code generated by SysConfig. Below figures are made based on SysConfig 1.13.0.
Since easyDSP communicates with MCU via UART0, please disable 'Debug Log > Enable UART Log' or use another UART than UART0 for it.UART related setting is required for all the cores easyDSP pod is connected to, that is, yellow cores.
The name of UART module should be 'EZDSP_UART'. The baudrate is selectable but it should be same to that of easyDSP project setting. The data format should be 8bit data, one stop bit and no parity bit. The priority of UART interrupt should be as low as possible such as 15. TX and RX pins are that of UART0 MUXMODE 0. Exceptionally, UART of core f in STEP1 could be other UART than UART0. Please check below for details.
IPC setting is required for all the cores using IPC RPMessage (core a and b in STEP1).
'IPC Notify + IPC RP Message' should be used. And 'RP Message Number of Buffers' should be min.1 and 'RP Message Buffer Size' should be min 64. They are increased in case IPC RPMessage is also used for other purpose than easyDSP. Also no cache should be used for the shared buffer location (memory 16KB from 0x72000000).
'Supervion RD+WR' is required for the memory area that easyDSP can access so that easyDSP reads/writes the memory location.
STEP 3 : easyDSP project and MCU project
According to STEP1, easyDSP project should be generated to all the yellow cores, and user MCU project should be modified for all the yellow and orange cores.
For the yellow and orage cores, please include easyDSP header and source file (easyAM_v*.*.h, easyAM_v*.*.c) into user MCU project. The suffix of file name will different by its version. You can find these file in the folder easyDSP is installed (\source\AM2x). And set the #define directives based on your application.
And call easyDSP_init() function in the proper location after some initialization functions.
Below is the detailed explanation by cases.
Case 1 :If core a, b, c and d are CPU1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, the easyDSP project is set as below.
The output files of all the running cores are registered. And CPU1 and CPU2 are checked as cores communicating with easyDSP.
The setting in the header file as below. Also two end points (m and n) should be set for IPC RPMessage.
Yellow core
Orange core
setting in
Case 2 :
If core e, f, c and d are CPU1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, the easyDSP project for core e is set as below.
the easyDSP project for core f is set as below.![]()
To do RAM booting and flash programming, easyDSP pod should be connected to the core via UART0.
Therefore register all the output files of running cores to easyDSP project of core e (connected to easyDSP pod via UART0) so that easyDSP project of core e can perform RAM booting and flash programming.
On the other hand, don't perform RAM boooting and flash programming in the easyDSP project of core f.
In case that user program of core f is updated and downloaded to core f by easyDSP project of core e, the easyDSP project of core f needs to reload its output file to update its symbolic information.
This is done automatically if both easyDSP projects (core e and core f) are running in the single PC. Then easyDSP project of core f shows the message box below.
If both easyDSP projects run in the separate PC, then user need to do manually by executing the menu 'MCU > Reload *.out' in the easyDSP project of core f.
The setting in the header file as below.
Yellow core
setting in
If core g, h, c and d are CPU1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, the easyDSP project for core g is set as below. The output files of all the running cores are registered. And CPU1 and CPU2 are checked as cores communicating with easyDSP.
The setting in the header file as below.
Yellow core
setting in
If core i, j, c and d are CPU 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, the easyDSP project for core i is set as below. The output files of all the running cores are registered. And CPU1 is checked as core communicating with easyDSP.
The setting in the header file as below.
Yellow core
setting in
STEP 4 : linker.cmd
In the linker.cmd file, the start address of RAM should be same to or larger than 0x7004.0000 for all cores, as it is in the TI example project.
STEP 5 : Variable name
Note that the variable name in the easyDSP is changed when easyDSP is communicating with multi cores.
This is not to mix the variable name from different cores. The variable name 'var' of CPUx (x= 1,2,3 or 4) is changed to 'x:var'. < /FONT>
STEP 6 : IDE setting
1. Make sure that rprc file (*.rprc) is generated in every compilation with the same name and in the same folder to the output file. This is the default setting of TI CCS. rprc file is used for RAM booting and flash programming.
2. The debugging information should be included in the output file. This is the default setting of TI CCS. Otherwise, easyDSP can not recognize the variable.
3. The unused variables could be excluded from the debug information depending on compiler's optimization level and linker option. If necessary, you can set the linker option so that the unused variables are not excluded.