STEP 1 : Hardware
easyDSP uses MCU's USART0 channel to communicate with MCU and program flash. So check the below hardware connection by MCU type.
For LPC1500, pin by different MCU package is shown below.
For LPC1800, make sure that OTP memory is not programmed or the BOOT_SRC bits are all zero so that the boot mode is determined by the states of the boot pins P2_9, P2_8, P1_2, and P1_1.
Other considerations : TX and RX pin of easyDSP header is pulled up with 100k Ohm resistor inside of easyDSP pod.
STEP 2 : Use of LPCOpen library
easyDSP implements USART communication with MCU by using NPCOpen library. Therefore this library should be included in the user program.
STEP 3 : easyDSP source and header file
Two files are provided for easyDSP communication (easyLPC1x00_va.b.h and easyLPC1x00_va.b.c). Depending on its version, a and b are changeable. You can find them in the easyDSP installation folder (\source\LPC).
The baud rate should be same to that of easyDSP project.
Please include them in your project according to target MCU.
In the header file, please set a target MCU or MCU package or baudrate of easyDSP communication.
It differs by target MCU series. Please refer to below for LPC1500.
STEP 4 : Calling easyDSP_init() function
Please include easyLPC1x00_va.b.h in the main.c. And in the main(), call easyDSP_init() after the initialization of MCU.
STEP 5 : IDE setting
1. Hex file (Intel format) is used for flash programming. So it should be created in every compiling time in the same folder to output file (for example, *.axf) with same file name. Pleae set your IDE accordingly to create hex file in every compilation.
For example, if you use MCUXpresso IDE, register arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex "${BuildArtifactFileName}" "${BuildArtifactFileBaseName}.hex" in the Post-build steps.
2. For easyDSP monitoring, the debug information should be included in the output file (for example, *.axf). And the option of assembler, compiler and linker should be set accordingly.
3. The unused variables could be excluded from the debug information depending on compiler's optimization level and linker setting. If necessary, you can set the linker option so that the unused variables are not excluded.