RA hardware

Connection to easyDSP

Direct connection of SCI9 RXD9 and TXD9 of MCU to easyDSP pod is recommended. Please note that SCI9 should be used to program flash by easyDSP.
RX and TX pins of easyDSP header are pulled up with 100kOhm resistor in the pod.
Also connect easyDSP header #4 pin to VCC.
Other considerations :
- In case there is a reset IC between easyDSP /RESET and MCU RES, it should transfer easyDSP /RESET signal to MCU RES within 0.5sec.
- In case pull-up resistor is required, resistor value should be higher than several k Ohm.


In case you can't use SCI9, you can use the other SCI channel but only monitoring is available (flash programming not feasible). In this case let /BOOT and /RESET pins be open.

Compatibility to Debugger

easyDSP uses RXD9 and TXD9 pin of MCU which overlaps with some debugger pins such as JTAG TDO, JTAG TDI and SWD SWO in case of some of RA4, RA6 and RA8 MCU. Therefore, in this case, you have to use SWD without SWO.