Welcome to easyDSP for real-time MCU debugging
'easyDSP' is a
powerful graphical user interface (GUI) for the maintaining, configuring and trouble-shooting
of embedded software with strict real-time requirements. The tool
automatically extracts the symbol information from the files generated by the
cross-compiler and presents the user with windows for the viewing, editing, logging
and graphing of those symbols, in real-time, while the target software is
executing. easyDSP communicates with the target MCU over a serial communication link,
typically SCI (or USART). On the target, only a small
"remote agent" needs to be called periodically in the background task. Since the
remote agent runs on spare processor cycles, it does not interfere with the
interrupt driven part of the software. This makes the tool ideal for interfacing
with power electronics control software, where the control tasks need to be
executed uninterruptedly and with minimal latency. The fact that
easyDSP does not depend on JTAG/SWD for communicating with the target makes
the tool operate reliably in environments with strong EMI and/or high-voltage
isolation requirements. easyDSP can supports multiple operation so that you can
control several MCU boards by using several easyDSPs in single PC.
easyDSP is designed for
the real-time communication between MCU and an IBM PC or compatible running 64bits Windows
Supporting MCU :
- TI : C2000, TM4C, MSPM0 and AM263x series
- ST : STM32 series
- Infineon : PSoC4, XCM1 and XMC4 seriels
- Renesas : RA and RX series
- Toshiba : TX and TXZ3 series
- NXP : LPC1x00 series
The detailed information is available here . For the support of other MCU, please contact easydsp@gmail.com.
Customers are
universities in Korea (Seoul National,
easyDSP is not freeware. But it is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event
shall easyDSP be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect,
incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages, even if
easyDSP has been advised of the possibility of such damages. It is the user’s
responsibility to check for future updates to the easyDSP and to use the latest
For more information, visit
www.easydsp.com or
mail to easydsp@gmail.com for program
bug, improvement idea, and other
technical inquiry,
hr.oh@egreenpower.com for purchsing, AS, easyDSP Pod hardware inquiry.
Thank you.
Acknowledgment :
This software is based in part on the work of
the Independent JPEG Group.
This software is based in part on the work of
the FreeType Team.
This software is based on pugixml
library (http://pugixml.org ). pugixml is Copyright (C)
2006-2018 Arseny